A New Normal for our Dental Practice
Having not been immune to the effects of COVID-19, dentistry has had to adapt and change the way it works. Our practice is no different and we have had to make some changes for the safety of our team and our patients.
When you visit Dene Lodge from now on, you will find things are a little different. We have had to remove all the chairs in the waiting room and replace them with wipeable versions. The notice boards have been removed and replaced with a TV. Don’t worry, all the same information will still be available via the TV, and more. At this time, we have had to remove all the magazines and we apologise to everyone who enjoyed reading our selection.
You will also notice that the majority of our paperwork is now digital and we will be using ipads and other digital methods to complete all the necessary paperwork. Unfortunately, to ensure our patients safety, there may be more paperwork to complete. We understand the frustration patients may have with completing this and may feel that it is just duplication but please rest assured that we are only asking for this information because we need to. Could we please ask patients to respect this.
You may also see a change in the way we look. That’s due to the different and more advanced PPE that we have to wear when we treat you. We may look a little scary, but we’re still the same people underneath.
At Dene Lodge, we have taken the opportunity of being forced to close to also make some further improvements to the practice, but we will leave you to see those for yourselves.
Finally, we would all like to thank every one of you for the support and understanding you have given us during this difficult time. Through all of this, we have done everything we can to make sure we are here for you and as we begin to get back to some sort of normal, this has never been more important to us. Everything may be a little different, but every patient was, is and always will be, at the heart of everything we do.