Dene Lodge Sponsors Relaxed Cinema Events
Dene Lodge Dental Practice are thrilled to be supporting Godalming Film Society by sponsoring some of their “Relaxed Cinema” events.
The purpose of RCiG is to enable those with mental health conditions such as Dementia or Autism, and film lovers with physical conditions that prevent them from accessing cinema in the local multiplex, to see films on a large screen in an environment that suits them.
The screenings are run entirely by volunteers and are free to enter.
We will be sponsoring the 1973 film “Jesus Christ Superstar” taking place on Saturday 14th May 2022 which will be held at the Wilfrid Noyce Centre in Godalming.
For more information, please visit https://www.godalmingfilmsoc.org.uk/special-events/relaxed-cinema-in-godalming-rcig/